Hi there! My name is Paul Quek. I am from Singapore ... yeah ... the "fine" city ... on account of the many "fines" you -- or any of the unwary -- can incur! Like: S$1,000 fine, or S$500 fine -- for this or that (e.g., littering; smoking in places where smoking is banned, eating and/or drinking in places where eating and drinking are banned). Anyway ... on to the REALLY SERIOUS STUFF (RSS) ... Actually, RSS here means Really Simple Syndication... and it's really simple! Many times online we see ads to buy this and/or that ebook. Or, this and/or software. All of it promising to make you an "overnight success"! The sad thing, as you probably know, is: A so-called "overnight success" just (or more probably) doesn't exist. Don't let that discourage you though. "Why not?" you are probably (and cynically) asking. Well, there are many ways to create an income online. As a matter of fact you should have multiple streams of income ONLINE to be a real success ONLINE. Look around at the top earners online, like LIZ TOMEY and STEPHEN PIERCE. Do they just have ONE thing that makes them money? Of course not... They have multiple things that make them money. So today, I want to give you a TOTALLY FREE resource (unless you choose otherwise) that will teach you one way that you can instantly start earning some money online. It's quick and easy and doesn't require any further work once you set it up once. You can check it out by going to
You've got to start out small (unless you are willing to simply throw money away, at this or that!) ... And by starting with
you'll be able to start with something quick and easy and then decide how to make money from it. So grab your FREE MEMBERSHIP and get started today, by simply clicking on the
To your success! -- Paul Quek P.S. Read on for more guidance / details ...
Quick And Easy Content Site Profits Content sites are simply just nice looking sites with content on them. If you can use a
WYSIWYG editor, and write a short article, you can build a content site.
There's a lot more that goes into it, but that's the basics. I can't cover the exact "how to's" here, but you can get FREE step-by-step VIDEO tutorial from that will show you how to do all the above and more! Once you've got your content site setup, you'll want to MONETIZE it in some way. Be it Adsense, YPN, other PPC networks, selling links and/or ads, affiliate programs, etc. The FREE resource also covers the monetization aspects of building these easy content sites too.
I highly recommend that you head over there right now, and grab the FREE VIDEO
tutorial. There's no catch. It really is a FREE VIDEO tutorial. You'll get the FULL tutorial, all the resources, and more and it won't cost you
a dime! Okay ... I hope I've shed some light on content sites for you. There's no better time than now to get started ...
* * * * * How To Profit From Automatically Updating Content Sites In this quick guide, I'd like to show you how you can quickly and easily build
content sites that require you to do a little setup work in the beginning but
will continually update themselves on autopilot. First let's talk about what a
content site is. We'll then get into how to build then, and finally how to
profit from them.
A content site is a site that is targeted to a specific niche. Usually it's a smaller niche and not a huge niche like for example animals. Instead a content site would be on a smaller niche like dogs. All the content on the site is totally on that one smaller niche. I'm sure you've visited many content sites without even knowing what type of sites they were. The great thing about content sites is that anyone can easily develop and profit from them. Many people think this is a hard task but with some simple tools and knowledge it can be very easy to do. So let's dive right into creating content sites and the steps you'll need to follow. The first thing you'll need to do is pick a niche for your content site. It can be something your interested in or something that you just think of off the top of your head. Don't let picking a niche take up a lot of your time. It's really easy to do. Just pick something as your first niche as a "practice run". Once you've learned how to set them up then you can worry more about selecting the right niche. Once you've picked your niche you'll then need to do some keyword to build your content site around. This can easily be done with any type of keyword research tool. If you search online you can find many different keyword research tools both free and paid. Do some research and pick on that will fit you and your budget. Now here's where the fun begins. Pick a template to use for your content site. You can also find both free and paid templates online by searching around in any search engine. By using a template, you can choose how you want your site to look without having to know how to actually design and build a site. Once you have a template, load it up to your site and get ready to add your automatically updating content to it. This automatically updating content will come from RSS feeds that you add to your site. You can search for RSS feeds by going to blog directories or RSS directories around the web. Even some article directories will provide you with RSS feeds. These are probably my favorite feeds to use because the content is usually very good. Be sure to use your keywords to find RSS feeds related to your niche. The best thing about using RSS feeds is that you don't have to create the content. Other people create the content and by using their RSS feed the content is placed onto your site. Each time they add new content your site gets new content without you having to do anything. But how? That's a good question... In order to add an RSS feed to your site, you'll need to use some kind of RSS aggregator. You can find both free and paid ones online that will give you instructions on how to use them to add RSS feeds to your site. Most are very easy to use, so don't let this big "techy" term scare you. After you've your site setup with the RSS feeds added to it, you'll have complete automatically updating content site. Now let's talk about the different options you have for profiting with your content sites. This is where your work will literally pay off. There are many ways to profit from your content sites. I personally only use three different ways. I sell links from my sites, I place Adsense ads on my sites, or I sell them for immediate profit. You can do any of these things and make a great income from every content site that you create. Using RSS feeds will allow you to set them up and forget about them, so there's no work involved after your initial setup. Creating automatically updating content sites is a great way to create a nice income stream quickly and easily. I encourage you to take what you've learned from this quick guide and do more research so you can get started right now! Want to learn more about creating and profiting from automatically updating content sites? is giving away a FREE video tutorial that will walk you step-by-step
through creating your own automatically updating content sites. You'll also
learn the exact steps to creating an insane income with three easy income plans
using nothing but the content sites that you create!
today! * * * * * How To Profit From RSS Feeds Quickly And Easily If you've been on the net long at all, I'm sure you've hear of RSS feeds.
Basically an RSS feed is a file format that's used to syndicate content. By
having an RSS feed for your content, you could be having your content published
all around the Internet.
There are many ways to use RSS feeds to profit from, and in this quick guide we'll discuss several of those ways. Let's dig in right now so you can get a good start to profiting with RSS feeds.
Now that's only five ways to make money with RSS feeds, and I could go on and on, but I just wanted to give you a few ideas to get your mind going. You can pick any of the above strategies or think up your own. Once you have decided on a strategy, create a plan to carry it out and make money from it. As you can see RSS feeds are still a relatively new technology and as time goes on, it will develop more and more. By getting in now, you have the potential to make the most money. So, take what you've learned here, do your own research and get started today! Want to learn more about creating and profiting from automatically updating content sites? is giving away a free video tutorial that will walk you step-by-step through
creating your own automatically updating content sites. You'll also learn the
exact steps to creating an insane income with three easy income plans using
nothing but the content sites that you create! Get your free membership from
today! * * * * *
Paul Quek Mobile Phone: +65 9783 7277
Home Phone: +65 6366 6860
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